
Friday, August 2, 2013

Duende for St. Wallace

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:01 am

IMAGE- Google search on 'Wallace Stevens died'

(The final quote above is bogus. Stevens did write "Death is the mother 
of beauty," but the "perishable" part is from a lesser poet, Billy Collins.)

For the duende  of this post's title, see a dance.

The dance suggests a 1956 passage by Robert Silverberg—

"There was something in the heart of the diamond—
not the familiar brown flaw of the others, but something
of a different color, something moving and flickering.
Before my eyes, it changed and grew.

And I saw what it was. It was the form of a girl—
a woman, rather, a voluptuous, writhing nude form
in the center of the gem. Her hair was a lustrous blue-black,
her eyes a piercing ebony. She was gesturing to me,
holding out her hands, incredibly beckoning from within
the heart of the diamond.

I felt my legs go limp. She was growing larger, coming closer,
holding out her arms, beckoning, calling—

She seemed to fill the room. The diamond grew to gigantic size,
and my brain whirled and bobbed in dizzy circles.
I sensed the overpowering, wordless call."

— "Guardian of the Crystal Gate," August 1956

For similar gestures, see Nicole Kidman's dance in "The Human Stain."

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Conceptual Duende

Filed under: General — Tags: — m759 @ 9:24 am

For a conceptual artist who reportedly died
on Thursday, July 25, 2013—

IMAGE- Book cover by Marc Simont, 'The Lieutenant Colonel and the Gypsy'

Related material:  Art Saint and Wisdom & Metaphor .

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Too Cool for School?

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:14 am

An article in Men's Journal  on August 1, 2013 —

Robert Thurman, Buddha's Power Broker'

For the Church of SynchronologyThis  journal on August 1, 2013.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Convoluted Narrative

Filed under: General,Geometry — Tags: — m759 @ 9:29 pm

IMAGE- Chilean filmmaker Raul Ruiz died Friday, Aug. 19, 2011.  Known for 'convoluted narratives.'

Related material:  Duende meets Saturday Night Live

IMAGE- Imaginary novel, 'The Pinochet Sudoku,' from Saturday Night Live De Niro sketch

The "duende" link above leads to a post containing the following—

IMAGE- Excerpt from Dec. 11, 2006, post on Pinochet and the Escorial- where Lorca said 'geometry abuts with a dream.'

For the Sudoku part, see this afternoon's Geezer Puzzle and a comment
at Diamond Geezer's weblog this morning by combinatorialist Peter J. Cameron—

This reminds me of an incident a few years ago when Sir Michael Atiyah was interviewed by a journalist, who asked him what he thought of the Sudoku craze. Sir Michael replied that he was delighted to see so many people doing mathematics every day, and was taken to task by the journalist because "there is no mathematics in it: you don't add the numbers or anything".


Anyway, I consider this a mathematical puzzle; I even have some fancy words for it (a Graeco-Latin square with two disjoint diagonals and some entries prescribed). But don't let that scare anyone off trying the puzzle!

Thanks, DG: I put a link to it right away.

See also the Pope's schedule today.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday December 11, 2006

Filed under: General,Geometry — m759 @ 7:20 am
Geometry and Death

J. G. Ballard on “the architecture of death“:

“… a huge system of German fortifications that included the Siegfried line, submarine pens and huge flak towers that threatened the surrounding land like lines of Teutonic knights. Almost all had survived the war and seemed to be waiting for the next one, left behind by a race of warrior scientists obsessed with geometry and death.”

The Guardian, March 20, 2006

Edward Hirsch on Lorca:

“For him, writing is a struggle both with geometry and death.”

— “The Duende,” American Poetry Review, July/August 1999

“Rosenblum writes with
absolute intellectual honesty,
and the effect is sheer liberation….
The disposition of the material is
a model of logic and clarity.”

Harper’s Magazine review
quoted on back cover of
Cubism and Twentieth-Century Art,
by Robert Rosenblum
(Abrams paperback, 2001)

“Are Children the Ultimate Literary Critics?”
 — Top of the News 29 (Nov. 1972): 32-36.
“Sets forth his own aims in writing for children
 and laments ‘slice of life’ and chaos in
children’s literature. Maintains that children
like good plots, logic, and clarity,
and that they have a concern for
‘so-called eternal questions.'”

An Annotated Listing of Criticism
by Linnea Hendrickson

“She returned the smile, then looked
across the room to her youngest brother,
Charles Wallace, and to their father,
who were deep in concentration, bent
over the model they were building
of a tesseract: the square squared,
and squared again: a construction
of the dimension of time.”

A Swiftly Tilting Planet,
by Madeleine L’Engle

The image “http://www.log24.com/log/pix06B/061211-Swiftly2.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

For “the dimension of time,”
see A Fold in Time,
Time Fold, and
Diamond Theory in 1937

A Swiftly Tilting Planet is a fantasy for children set partly in Vespugia, a fictional country bordered by Chile and Argentina.

For a more adult audience —

In memory of General Augusto Pinochet, who died yesterday in Santiago, Chile, a quotation from Federico Garcia Lorca‘s lecture on “the Duende” (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1933):

“… Philip of Austria… longing to discover the Muse and the Angel in theology, found himself imprisoned by the Duende of cold ardors in that masterwork of the Escorial, where geometry abuts with a dream and the Duende wears the mask of the Muse for the eternal chastisement of the great king.”

Perhaps. Or perhaps Philip, “the lonely
hermit of the Escorial,” is less lonely now.

Thursday, September 5, 2002

Thursday September 5, 2002

Filed under: General — m759 @ 11:59 pm

Arrow in the Blue

A description by Arthur Koestler (born Sept. 5, 1905) of a

close encounter with the divine:

“…a wordless essence, a fragrance of eternity, a quiver of the arrow in the blue.”

Koestler also mentions the “blue Andalusian sky.” 

Some thoughts suggested by the above and by the Sept. 5, 2002, New York Times story on the first anniversary of the murder of the Mexican lawyer

María de los Angeles Tames….

1. The blue of the Andalusian sky is essentially the same as the blue of the sky above Baja California.  See photographs of the last Jesuit mission in Mexico,

Santa María de los Angeles

2.  A Google search for “blue Andalusian sky” yielded two results: the Koestler page quoted above, and a page on the Gypsy film “Vengo.”  For a reasonable likeness of St. Sara, patron saint of the Gypsies, also known as The Dark Lady, also known as Kali, see the poster of dancer

Sara Baras at Flamenco-world.com

Es imposible resumir el Flamenco en cuatro palabras, pero al mirar el poster Sara Baras por Paco Sanchez, son esas las palabras que me vienen a la mente.  Gracias, Paco Sanchez.”

For the music Sara dances to, composed and played by Jesús de Rosario, listen to audio clips at

Juana la Loca: Vivir por Amor.

3. For an American version of The Dark Lady, see an homage from Catalonia to

Emmy Lou Harris

For a Harris song that seems appropriate to the blue-sky theme above, see

Thanks to You.

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